My Family Rules

Ray and Chantal offer practical tips and advice for the challenges that parents and family face today.

My Family Rules


Time, Routine and Organisation

How do I get more out of the day? How do we help one another to function more effectively as a family unit? There are many ideas that we can use to make the most of our day.

Styles and Strategies

Parenting can be challenging but putting in a plan can make it much more manageable. Learn some tips about how to be the best role model to your kids.


Be intentional about nurturing and giving devotion to your closest relationships, they are vital to our survival. But how can we do this better?

General Health and Wellbeing

Life is all about balance. Learn tips for enjoying a healthy lifestyle.

Family Finances

Being in control of family finances can reduce stress. Learn about resources available to help you manage your money better so you can focus on what really matters, family.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

How do I stay on top of everything? How can I stay in control of my reactions to life situations? There are many signs in life that can warn you of potential hazards.

Discipline and Boundaries

Discipline is something we do for our children out of love not anger. How should we discipline them? It’s important for them to know why they’re being disciplined.


We’re communicating all the time, but is it good communication? The best way to communicate with family is by talking to them Face to Face. If we show interest they are more likely to connect with us.

About the Show

Ray and Chantal offer practical tips and advice for the challenges that parents and family face today.

My Family Rules
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