The Dark Side of Onlyfans

The Dark Side of Onlyfans

The subscriber-only website is best known for its amateur pornography content. But, as people sell their naked photos for large sums of money, they’re also selling themselves short.

Caitlin JankiewiczMar 20, 2023, 12:52 AM

In March 2020, the world crumbled in the grip of Covid-19. As shops and cafés shut and workplaces closed their doors, millions of people across the world found themselves jobless—their steady income gone and with it, the ability to put a roof over their heads.

However, in the wake of this destructive economic tsunami, one industry was booming. According to Media Play News, video streaming consumption in the United States doubled between March and August of 2020, with Forbes reporting Netflix added 25.86 million new users in the first six months of the year.

But in the midst of this online viewing boom, a dark industry has quickly risen to disturbing heights. As more people lost jobs, women—who, according to the National Women’s Health Network, the pandemic affected disproportionately—began turning to the online sex industry as a way to maintain economic stability. The Economist reported that due to the closing of traditional sex-work outlets and with many people being stuck at home in isolation, the demand for online pornography has soared.

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