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Hope Sabbath School


Why did Jesus teach using parables? What truth was Jesus sharing through the parables recorded in Mark 4? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds.


Hope Sabbath School


The ministry of Jesus was controversial for the religious leaders of the time. How was healing controversial? Fasting? How did Jesus view Sabbath observance differently? Why would the religious leaders try to restrict the ministry of Jesus?

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Mark jumps right into the active ministry of Jesus. We will explore the lessons Mark has packed into this first chapter.

The Beginning of the Gospel

Hope Sabbath School

The Beginning of the Gospel

We begin this quarter's lessons by looking at who John Mark was and the circumstances of his relationship with other disciples. The book of Acts gives us some context.

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