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The Arrest and Trial of Jesus

In this lesson we will discuss the Last Supper, the events of Gethsemane, the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial of Christ. What can we learn from Jesus' conduct during these interactions? How can we avoid dangerous self-confidence?

The Last Days of Jesus Before His Crucifixion

"What lessons can be learned about personal sacrifice from the widow's offering? This lesson will also explore the dual prophetic message of Jesus in Mark 13. What counsel did Jesus provide that will help us to prepare for His return?"

Jerusalem Controversies

Hope Sabbath School

Jerusalem Controversies

This lesson will discuss the Triumphal Entry, and the rising hatred of the religious leaders against Jesus. How did the leaders react to the cleansing of the temple, and to their failed attempts to trap Jesus with baited questions?

Teaching Disciples: Part II

Hope Sabbath School

Teaching Disciples: Part II

Mark records Jesus' teachings on marriage, children, and wealth. What principles are still applicable to our families? What can we learn from the Rich Young Ruler? What lessons are there for us in the disciples' reactions to Jesus' telling of his suffering and death?

Teaching Disciples: Part I

Hope Sabbath School

Teaching Disciples: Part I

In this lesson Jesus begins to help his disciples understand his mission and suffering as the Messiah. What is the cost of discipleship? How does Jesus define "greatness"? Why did the disciples struggle to understand?

Inside Out

Hope Sabbath School

Inside Out

Jesus sought to help the religious leaders see how they put tradition over God's commands, and correct their backwards understanding of defilement. How did meeting the physical needs of the people have an impact on meeting their spiritual needs?

Miracles Around the Lake

Hope Sabbath School

Miracles Around the Lake

Mark continues his action packed account of Jesus' ministry in chapters 5-6. What lessons can we learn from his work? From his rejection in Nazareth? From sending the 12 on their first mission? What can we learn from the feeding of the 5,000?


Hope Sabbath School


Why did Jesus teach using parables? What truth was Jesus sharing through the parables recorded in Mark 4? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds.


Hope Sabbath School


The ministry of Jesus was controversial for the religious leaders of the time. How was healing controversial? Fasting? How did Jesus view Sabbath observance differently? Why would the religious leaders try to restrict the ministry of Jesus?

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Mark jumps right into the active ministry of Jesus. We will explore the lessons Mark has packed into this first chapter.

The Beginning of the Gospel

Hope Sabbath School

The Beginning of the Gospel

We begin this quarter's lessons by looking at who John Mark was and the circumstances of his relationship with other disciples. The book of Acts gives us some context.

Lesson 13: The Triumph of God’s Love

How do we prepare ourselves for the time of trouble? What will take place during the 1000 years after Jesus' return? How is the unfailing love of God for everyone revealed at the conclusion of the great controversy?

Peace in the Storm – Episode 130

Mr Jackson shares with Redgie the story of Jesus calming the scary storm.

Finding Peace – Episode 129

Skye and Gina notice that Redgie has changed, he is calm, focused and doing his schoolwork. The girls ask Redgie what has happened to make him peaceful.

I Need Peace, part 3 – Episode 128

On his continuing quest for peace, Redgie discovers that instead of worrying about the problem, focus on the solution! Don’t focus on the noise, focus on GOD. Don’t stress about stuff, just PRAY about it!

I Need Peace, part 2 – Episode 127

Redgie returns to Mr Jackson’s store to find out more about having peace. He finds out about Philippians 4:6-7. Don’t you worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything! Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then, you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds, as you live in Christ Jesus.

I Need Peace, part 1 – Episode 126

Redgie is struggling to find peace in his noisy household. At Mr Jackson’s store, he discovers the verse from Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep them in perfect peace; whose mind is focused upon you.”

Bubbling Over – Episode 125

Song about joy bubbling up and overflowing in your life. Ask Jesus into your heart if you want to experience true joy.

Looking for Joy, part 4 – Episode 124

Redgie take Kelly’s advice and Redgie talks to Tom and Patrick nicely. They then invite him to join in with them in their new game.

Looking for Joy, part 3 – Episode 123

Kelly shares with Redgie some Bible verses about the secret of having joy in your life.


Fitness That Works

Go Healthy For Good!

Fitness That Works

A lack of exercise is the fourth most common cause of death worldwide. Sean Foy shares with Dr. Nerida how everyone can get exercise into their day.

Kidney Disease & Diet

Go Healthy For Good!

Kidney Disease & Diet

Kidneys are essential, yet when function is impaired there are often no symptoms. Dr. Nerida shares how to care for this organ before it’s too late.

Keys To Optimal Health

Go Healthy For Good!

Keys To Optimal Health

Our environment often works against our health, through fast-food and sedentary living. Fortunately, Dr. Nerida shares keys for optimizing our health.

Poor Sleep

Go Healthy For Good!

Poor Sleep

Insomnia is a nightmare that many are too familiar with. However, it doesn’t have to be part of your life. Dr. Nerida discusses how we can prevent it.

Good Sleep

Go Healthy For Good!

Good Sleep

Everyone understands the need for sleep, but few understand the many intricacies that make for a good amount and quality of this vital “activity”.

Living with Pain

Go Healthy For Good!

Living with Pain

Many people live with pain, despite a hefty regimen of medications. Dr. Nerida explores the idea that pain management might just mean more lifestyle changes.

Strong Bones, Powerful Muscles

Go Healthy For Good!

Strong Bones, Powerful Muscles

It seems expected that our bones become more brittle as we age. However, we can slow that process and maybe even reverse it, as Dr. Nerida shares.

Difficult Childhood Experiences

Difficult childhood experiences can create a lifetime of problems. However, it doesn’t have to be that way as Dr. Nerida shows how anyone can change course.

Sex Addiction

Go Healthy For Good!

Sex Addiction

Dr. Nerida discusses sexual addiction, a vice that affects men and women of all ages and may take an expert’s help to break free from it.

Type 1 Diabetes

Go Healthy For Good!

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a disorder characterized by fluctuating glucose levels and insulin injections. As Dr. Nerida explains, lifestyle can be a major factor.

Sexual Health & Heart Disease

Go Healthy For Good!

Sexual Health & Heart Disease

Heart disease is a known culprit against longevity, but many don’t realize the affect it has on sexual health too, as Dr. Nerida discusses in this episode.

Chronic Pain

Go Healthy For Good!

Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain is challenging, but there are options aside from medication to alleviate the pain and give patients hope and purpose.

Adult Disease In The Womb

Go Healthy For Good!

Adult Disease In The Womb

Many already know that diet affects a newborn, but studies now show that both a mother and father can pass on lifestyle habits and behaviors.


Go Healthy For Good!


In many countries around the world, one in three children are either overweight or obese. Overweight teens are becoming less inclined make any effort to lose weight, and parents less likely to address the problem. Learn how one passionate physician is improving the health of her community.

Love, health, faith | The Table TV | Ep 3

Kids are being sent to meditation instead of detention. Could 36 questions and a 4 minute gaze make you fall in love with a stranger? Considering going paleo? Don’t.


The Arrest and Trial of Jesus

In this lesson we will discuss the Last Supper, the events of Gethsemane, the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial of Christ. What can we learn from Jesus' conduct during these interactions? How can we avoid dangerous self-confidence?

The Last Days of Jesus Before His Crucifixion

"What lessons can be learned about personal sacrifice from the widow's offering? This lesson will also explore the dual prophetic message of Jesus in Mark 13. What counsel did Jesus provide that will help us to prepare for His return?"

Jerusalem Controversies

Hope Sabbath School

Jerusalem Controversies

This lesson will discuss the Triumphal Entry, and the rising hatred of the religious leaders against Jesus. How did the leaders react to the cleansing of the temple, and to their failed attempts to trap Jesus with baited questions?

Teaching Disciples: Part II

Hope Sabbath School

Teaching Disciples: Part II

Mark records Jesus' teachings on marriage, children, and wealth. What principles are still applicable to our families? What can we learn from the Rich Young Ruler? What lessons are there for us in the disciples' reactions to Jesus' telling of his suffering and death?

Teaching Disciples: Part I

Hope Sabbath School

Teaching Disciples: Part I

In this lesson Jesus begins to help his disciples understand his mission and suffering as the Messiah. What is the cost of discipleship? How does Jesus define "greatness"? Why did the disciples struggle to understand?

Inside Out

Hope Sabbath School

Inside Out

Jesus sought to help the religious leaders see how they put tradition over God's commands, and correct their backwards understanding of defilement. How did meeting the physical needs of the people have an impact on meeting their spiritual needs?

Miracles Around the Lake

Hope Sabbath School

Miracles Around the Lake

Mark continues his action packed account of Jesus' ministry in chapters 5-6. What lessons can we learn from his work? From his rejection in Nazareth? From sending the 12 on their first mission? What can we learn from the feeding of the 5,000?


Hope Sabbath School


Why did Jesus teach using parables? What truth was Jesus sharing through the parables recorded in Mark 4? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds.


Hope Sabbath School


The ministry of Jesus was controversial for the religious leaders of the time. How was healing controversial? Fasting? How did Jesus view Sabbath observance differently? Why would the religious leaders try to restrict the ministry of Jesus?

A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Mark jumps right into the active ministry of Jesus. We will explore the lessons Mark has packed into this first chapter.

The Beginning of the Gospel

Hope Sabbath School

The Beginning of the Gospel

We begin this quarter's lessons by looking at who John Mark was and the circumstances of his relationship with other disciples. The book of Acts gives us some context.

Lesson 13: The Triumph of God’s Love

How do we prepare ourselves for the time of trouble? What will take place during the 1000 years after Jesus' return? How is the unfailing love of God for everyone revealed at the conclusion of the great controversy?

Lesson 12: Earth’s Closing Events

This lesson will revisit truth vs error as it relates to the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast. We will also study the empowerment of the Holy Spirit through the Latter Rain.

Lesson 11: The Impending Conflict

What is the key issue in the final conflict? How will this conflict lead to Christ's followers being persecuted in the last days? This study will answer these questions and identify the Beast from the Sea and from the Earth in Revelation 13.

Lesson 10: Spiritualism Exposed

How has the false teaching on the immortality of the soul infiltrated the church, and why is the idea so dangerous? What does the Bible teach about life and death? We will study the rise of spiritualism in the last days, and how to protect ourselves from this deception.

Lesson 9: The Foundation of God’s Government

What is the foundation of God's government? This lesson will discuss God's justice and mercy and the role of the 10 Commandments. Why is keeping the commandments of God an identifying characteristic of the “saints”?

Lesson 8: Light From the Sanctuary

This lesson will look at the message of hope found in the sanctuary service. What does it reveal about the ministry of Jesus as our Great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Can we share hope through the Day of Atonement and judgment?

Lesson 7: Motivated by Hope

Hope Sabbath School

Lesson 7: Motivated by Hope

Why is the Second Coming of Jesus so important for every Christian? What did Jesus say about his return? What lessons can be learned from William Miller and the Great Disappointment?

Lesson 6: The Two Witnesses

Hope Sabbath School

Lesson 6: The Two Witnesses

This lesson will identify the characteristics of the Two Witnesses of Revelation, and related prophetic time periods. How are the Two Witnesses "killed" and "resurrected"? What special mission is given to the Two Witnesses today?

Lesson 5: Faith Against All Odds

What bold declaration did the prophet Isaiah give regarding the Word of God? Why was the apostle Paul so passionate about sharing the Word with others? What is the relationship of the Holy Spirit to scripture? This lesson will answer these questions and look at the central truth of God's Word.