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Jerusalem Controversies
This lesson will discuss the Triumphal Entry, and the rising hatred of the religious leaders against Jesus. How did the leaders react to the cleansing of the temple, and to their failed attempts to trap Jesus with baited questions?
Pastor Derek Morris
Related Episodes
Hope Sabbath School
The Arrest and Trial of Jesus
In this lesson we will discuss the Last Supper, the events of Gethsemane, the "trial" before the Sanhedrin, and Peter's denial of Christ. What can we learn from Jesus' conduct during these interactions? How can we avoid dangerous self-confidence?
Hope Sabbath School
The Last Days of Jesus Before His Crucifixion
"What lessons can be learned about personal sacrifice from the widow's offering? This lesson will also explore the dual prophetic message of Jesus in Mark 13. What counsel did Jesus provide that will help us to prepare for His return?"
Hope Sabbath School
Teaching Disciples: Part II
Mark records Jesus' teachings on marriage, children, and wealth. What principles are still applicable to our families? What can we learn from the Rich Young Ruler? What lessons are there for us in the disciples' reactions to Jesus' telling of his suffering and death?
Hope Sabbath School
Teaching Disciples: Part I
In this lesson Jesus begins to help his disciples understand his mission and suffering as the Messiah. What is the cost of discipleship? How does Jesus define "greatness"? Why did the disciples struggle to understand?