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Law and Grace
What is more important—justice or forgiveness? It's the tension that one painter struggled to resolve, and he created possibly one of the most influential paintings in Christian history.
What is more important—justice or forgiveness? It's the tension that one painter struggled to resolve, and he created possibly one of the most influential paintings in Christian history.
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On a list of 101 great painters of all time, only three were women. This week, Masterstroke looks at the astonishing story of one of the greatest painters you've probably never heard of.
Wall Street bankers voted themselves $28 billion in bonuses, while 2.8 billion people struggled on less than $2 per day. What can the history of art teach us about the "rights" and "wrongs" of money?
The Power of Forgiveness
This week on Masterstroke, Neale explores the benefits and beauty of the art of forgiveness.
The Mystery of Miracles
This week, Masterstroke examines what the greatest art in history tells us about the mystery of miracles.