Edible gifts

Edible gifts

The festive season is a time for giving. Yet many of the edible gifts we give may be recipes for disease further along. Why not present a loved one with something tasty and that benefits their health?

The festive season is a time for giving. Yet many of the edible gifts we give may be recipes for disease further along. Why not present a loved one with something tasty and that benefits their health?

Sue RaddMar 20, 2023, 12:41 AM

The festive season is a time for giving. Yet many of the edible gifts we give may be recipes for disease further along. Why not present a loved one with something tasty and that benefits their health?  

Healthy food tips

Whether you create or purchase a food gift, here are a few things to consider.

First, replace refined ingredients with whole foods that have sweetening or textural functions. For example, swap sugar for medjool dates or prunes, avocado for margarine and white for wholemeal flour.

Second, add nuts and/or seeds, especially if making sweets. These high antioxidant foods dampen the glucose raising effect of carbohydrates they are prepared with.

Finally, wrap or package your edible gift in a cute container and tag it with a personal message such as “made with love.” You can get inspirational ideas on social media platforms such as Pinterest.  

12 delicious ideas for giving

* From Food as Medicine: Cooking for Your Best Health, by Sue Radd, awarded “Best Health and Nutrition Book” by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. See www.foodasmedicine.cooking.



Cardamom scented prune log

A treat or gift you can make for a friend, ideal to accompany a cup of tea. Prunes are rich in antioxidants and viscous dietary fibre to help lower an elevated cholesterol.

Preparation time: 20 mins | Cooking time: 0 mins | Serves: 36  


PER 2 PIECES: energy 281 kJ (67 cal); protein 1 g; fat 3 g; saturated fat 1 g; cholesterol 0 mg; carbohydrate 5 g; fibre 2 g; calcium 13 mg; iron 0.4 mg; sodium 2 mg.

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