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Go Healthy... For Good! Exercise

Strong evidence demonstrates that those who are more active are more likely to have an ideal body weight, lower rates of many diseases and lower rates of death. All this for the sake of spending a little time being active!

Go Healthy... For Good! Bullying

Bullying is an age-old problem. The difference now is that we know much more about it. And there are better ways to address it. Parents, teachers, grandparents and guardians, Let's be proactive.

Go Healthy... For Good! Stress

You can protect yourself by recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects. Go Healthy...for Good! is here to help you identify those symptoms and to show you practical ways to alleviate the problem.

Go Healthy... For Good! Look Better Live Longer

A recent study found that smoking, drinking alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and veggies, can cause harm. You can do something to correct these limiting behaviors. We'll share with you many ways to "Look Better and Live Longer"

Go Healthy... For Good! Weight Management

Obesity is on the rise. Today over 2/3s of US adults are either overweight or obese. Obesity-related conditions are some of the leading causes of preventable death. We'll share resources you can use to fight this deadly epidemic.

Go Healthy... For Good! Vegetarian Health Advantage

Diet-related diseases have moved from nutrient deficiencies to chronic diseases related to dietary excess. The vegetarian lifestyle offers many advantages over a meat-based diet.

Go Healthy... For Good! Divorce Recovery

Divorce can be devastating and recovery difficult. There are no "magical" solutions for divorce. But we're going to look into answers, things you can do to ease the process of getting back on your feet and regain control of your life.

Go Healthy... For Good! Brain Health

Are you living a Brain-Friendly Lifestyle? Strengthening your brain. Putting deposits in your energy bank. Slowing symptoms of aging? Not sure how to do that? In this episode we'll explore good brain health with Dr. Kelly.

Go Healthy... For Good! Hypertension

Hypertension is one of the leading factors in premature death worldwide and the problem is growing. We'll talk about the problem and practical solutions with Dr. Handysides and Dr. Maraj. We'll also look at some foods loaded with sodium.

Go Healthy... For Good! Fever in Toddlers

What do you do when your toddler has a fever? It's natural to hit the panic button and rush to the emergency room, but is that the only option? Dr Shanti Thomas-King shows us how to measure and mange your child's fever safely and effectively.

Go Healthy... For Good! Teen's Substance Abuse

Teenage drug use is a reality. Young people are experimenting with drugs in large numbers. Nearly 50% of 12th graders have tried illicit drugs. In this episode we hear the story of 14yr old Karoline and her struggle with ilicit drugs.

Go Healthy... For Good! Energy Drinks

The average American drinks 1 pound of added sugar each week in soft drinks alone. But those drinks may have a dark side too. On this show we explore just what we are drinking and why.

Go Healthy... For Good! Cardiac Disease

The "Silent Killer". A comprehensive look at Cardiac Disease and some very good ways to prevent it through diet and exercise. Dr Peter Landless and Rebecca Winch are our expert guests.